ANAKON 2025 - Here We Come!
Join us at Anakon 2025 in Leipzig—we’re back with our little booth and ready to connect!
ANAKON 2025,
March 10-13, 2025, University Leipzig, Leipzig/ Germany
Looking forward to see you on Pittcon 2025 in Boston
Boston, you and us - come to see us on our booth #528 on Pittcon 2025 in Boston/ USA.
Pittcon 2025, March 1-5, 2025, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
See you there!
Join Us in Japan!
We can’t wait to welcome you to an JASIS 2024 in vibrant Japan.
Come visit us on our booth at Makuhari Messe, Chiba-City, Japan on Sept. 4 - 6, 2024.
Looking forward to seeing you there! Arigatou gozaimasu!
Come to see us on our Analytica booth A2.218 to have a chat & a coffee!
Messe München, München/Germany
April 9 - 12, 2024
Do not miss the first Pittcon on the West coast & find us on booth #1637
San Diego Convention Center, San Diego - CA/USA
Feburary 24 - 28, 2024
We were very happy to meet all of you on our booth 4B-405, 4B-501
Thank you for stopping by!
Makuhari Messe, Chiba City/ Japan
Sept. 6 - 8, 2023
Come to see us in Japan!
We would be so happy to meet you on this great exhibition in wonderful Japan.
Meet us on our booth 4B-405, 4B-501 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba-City/ Japan from Sept. 6th until Sept. 8th, 2023.
Hope to see you there! Arigatou gozaimasu.
We won the Gold Excellence Award for Excellence in Instrumentation for our new and unique LC-CollectIR!
We are thrilled and thank PITTCON very much for this honor!
The LC-CollectIR is a High Performance HPLC / GPC-FTIR Interface System
This groundbreaking instrument represents a revolutionary advancement, marking a new epoch in the field of coupling Liquid Chromatography (LC) with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
You will find more information about the LC-CollectIR here
We are so much looking forward to see you again on PITTCON 2023 in Philadelphia.
Do not hesitate a second to come by our booth #2055 - it will be great to see you again!
PITTCON 2023 -> Booth
#2055, March 18-22, 2023, Pennsylvania Convention Center
Philadelphia, PA, USA
We are happy to be once again part of ANAKON 2023, this time in Vienna Austria.
The ANAKON is one of the most interesting European conferences on Analytical chemistry.
Do not miss it - We look forward seeing you there!
ANAKON 2013 -> We are on booth #13 , April 11-14, 2023, Freihaus Campus TU Vienna/ Austria
LABO hat über unsere SpectraGenius Software berichtet!
Lesen Sie den vollen Artikel hier: Software für die Spektroskopie
---> 1000 Dank an das tolle Team von LABO - Fit for Lab!
Yes - we will be on JASIS with a great booth and all our lovely colleagues!
Come to wonderful Japan and meet us on our booth 5A-205, 5A-301 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba-City/ Japan.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
JASIS 2022
September 7.-9., 2022, Makuhari-Messe, Chiba-City/ Japan
We are looking forward to see you again
After all this time without much public appearances and little social contact, we are so much looking forward to welcome you on our booth A2.109 on Analytica 2022 in Munich.
Please come by for a coffee and a chat - we will be happy to see you!
Analytica 2022
June 21.-24., 2022
in beautiful Munich/Germany
Booth A2.109
Medicine Identification New Database (MIND): A quick, simple and accurate tool for the identification of unlabeled medication in hospital pharmacy.
Medication errors are one of the most important problem that significantly influence patient safety in health care. A very common source of medication errors is the mix-up of „Look-Alike and Sound-Alike“ (LASA) medication.
LASA medications are medications that are visually similar in physical appearance or packaging or that have names with spelling similarities and/or similar phonetics. LASA medication confusions
by patients, physicians and pharmacists is a major concern which can lead to serious health risks for the patients.
Scientists of Groupement Hospitalier Centre Edouard Herriot / Lyon, France* have developed a new tool named Medicine Identification New Database (MIND) to quickly and accurately
identify unlabeled medication even by untrained individuals. This is especially important after the medication has been removed from initial packaging and blister and then been filled in
unlabeled dispensers for the various patients.
MIND is a 3-moduled screening process of identifying (1) commercialized information (manufacturer, CAS number and active pharmaceutical ingredient), (2) organoleptic properties (type, shape, color, size, weight) and (3) collecting an ATR-FTIR spectrum of the medication to precisely identify the medication.
*Study performed by Elsa Reallon, Chloé Marchand, Anne-Laure Yaillan, Samira Filali, Camille Merienne, Carole Paillet, Christine Pivot, Fabrice Pirot, Anne-Laure Yaillan
Service Pharmaceutique, Groupement Hospitalier Centre Edouard Herriot, Place d’Arsonval, F-69437 5 Lyon Cedex 03, France.
The backbone of the ATR-FTIR module is a reference spectra database containing more than 500 entries with extensive sample information. The spectra in this database were measured in the hospital laboratories by scientific personnel and then transferred to the S.T. Japan-Europe. S.T.Japan-Europe issued this database in all the various data formats so that it can be used with most instruments/software packages in the market. (Pharmaceutical Tablets and Capsules Database L30030, S.T. Japan-Europe, D - 50937 Köln, Germany).
The simplicity of the approach combining organoleptic identification criteria with the accuracy of physical and spectral characterization with ATR-FTIR confirmed the potential of MIND as a suitable tool for the quick, simple and accurate identification of unlabeled unitary medication in health care.
Additionally, the combination of these three modules reliably discriminate, characterize and identify counterfeit medication and also medication questioned for their physico-chemical integrity and stability after long-storage in various conditions of temperature and humidity.
Published in Spectrocopy Europe - click here to read the article.
The new databases, ATR-FTIR and Raman, contain a great variety of well-defined synthetic polymers and polymers commonly found in commercial and industrial products worldwide.
This includes non-biodegradable plastics, packaging materials, synthetic polymer-based materials and other substances relevant for the microplastics analysis.
The databases are compatible with the software of all major instrument manufacturers.
They can be used for single-particle identification but also for methods such as chemical imaging based on the automated analysis software of your specific instrument.
We are on the cover of the new LABO Buyers Guide.
...and of course inside!
Click here to have a look at the Buyers Guide and go right to page 5.
We are happy to announce that our European office moved to a new, very nice location.
Our new address is:
S.T.Japan-Europe GmbH
Sülzburgstrasse 203
50937 Köln
You are always welcome to pass by for a coffee and a chat :)
The Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) is the largest chemical society in continental Europe with members from academe, education, industry and other areas.
The GDCh supports chemistry in teaching, research and application and promotes the understanding of chemistry in the public.
GDCh's division of Analytical Chemistry quarterly issues a bulletin with lots of interesting articles. In the last edition of 2019 a really great article about S.T.Japan-Europe GmbH was published!
We thank the GDCh very much and are happy to share this article with you.
And also as every year we will have a booth on JASIS 2020.
Come to meet us and see S.T.Japan's full product portfolio.
Write us a short email to arrange an appointment.
Click the button below to write us a quick & short email.
November 11-13, 2020
Makuhari Messe
Chiba - Tokyo, Japan